Youtube secrets

Monday, 18 April 2011

Interesting Quotes....

Help a man when he is in trouble and 
he will remember you 
when he is in trouble again !!!! 

Complex problems have simple, 
easy to understand wrong answer 

Behind every 'successful woman', 
is a man who is surprised !!!! 

Alcohol 'doesn't solve any problems', 
but then again, neither does milk. 

Most people are only 'alive' because 
it is illegal to shoot them. 

I'm not a complete idiot, 
there're still some parts missing !!!! 

Forgive your enemies but 
remember their names. 

The number of people watching you 
is directly proportional to the stupidity of your action. 

I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to 
my father .... 
- He said he wanted more proof. 

Some pain is physical and some is mental, 
but one that's both is dental !!!! 

Life is pleasant, death is peaceful. 
It's the transition that's troublesome.

Arguing with your Boss is like 
'wrestling with a pig in mud'. 
After a while, you realize that 
while you are getting dirty, 
the pig is actually 'enjoying it'
Quite agree with the one highlighted…

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